Day 5
Sunday, June 10, 2018 at 6:05PM

Can you believe it is day 5 already? Moms have really got into the routine. Ella even comes out when they are sleeping to do her duty, get some snuggles and enjoy the fresh air. It's not for long but she has learned to have some balance. If I am not on this room with them they also want to see where I am. When I get my 15 minutes in the pool or so, it is as if Ella says really - I can't swim. A few more weeks and you can between feeding and once they are eating solids, you can swim longer. It will happen, Ella!

Here is the gallery.

They are fat, contented and are gaining over an ounce a day. 

I catch Ella just gazing at them in awe. 

Be sure to check out the videos.

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