
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Day 4

Sorry, I am so late. Each puppy gained over an ounce today. They are doing really well. Moms are relaxing too, falling into their trust of each other. They still protect their pups but they don't react. 

Here is today's gallery.

I am so proud of the pups. This sable girl is a sable and cream colour.

So sorry for the short blogs. I will try to get a few videos up.


Day 3

They all are eating well and gaining. Ella is into hiding them now. She wants to cover them with blankets. You can often find her in the corner circling them and then she goes out and hangs out and does her duty for 10 minutes as long as she sees that I lock her gate. She's so smart!

Be sure to check out the videos.

Ella's pups are an ounce or 2 smaller in weight but thats where they should be. They are fat, active and doing really well!

Here is the gallery.

Ella is a really great mom!


Heading to Day 2

It seems none are black and white. All pups are doing well. Dennis crashed last night and just couldn't stay awake the whole night so I watched them off and on with the ipad. They still gained though not as much as the night before. We are tired. But all pups are doing really well.

Ella still wants to see Cinnamon's pups but she is now going out without being frantic to do her duty and she seems to be relaxing into motherhood without the worry 1st time mom syndrome. 

A puppy latched on and she walked out of the whelping box and plop it went. She picked the puppy up with her mouth and placed it back into the whelping box. What a good Mommy.

Here is a gallery.

More later...


16 Plus Hours Old

Pups have all gained across the board despite Dennis thinking 2 was not eating as well. It's funny when you are tired your perspective but one of them he felt didn't gain much - the boy gained the most. 

They are all plump, active and noisy if cool or mom isn't in a position for them to eat - similar to Cinnamons. 

Ella wants Cinnamon's pups and reacts when they fuss and Cinnamon does the same. We look forward to leaving their pens open but for now they just invade each others spaces and try to take over each other's pups. It's a riot but also not fun at times.

Ella's bowels are solid. Go figure after that birth.

We take them outside alone together. This will create their extra special bonding with each other when ot comes to pups being out at the same time. I know that is weeks away but its important for moms to trust each other. I have never had an issue with moms not enjoying a relationship. New moms though innately protect their newborns. 


Pups Have Arrived

Click on Photo for Larger ViewFirst one born is a boy - the only boy. He was born at 213pm. He weighs 5-1/4oz 151g Nathan thinks he is dark brown and cream.

He was a tough delivery and the photos are not pretty. We had a lot of yellow as Ella had to push and push and anyone who has had babies knows sometimes the push expels lovely yellow matter. Sorry - no other way to put it. She had a tough time getting him out and he came breech. He lost half his sac as he was coming out so we had to not let him feed till we managed to get rid of the fluid. It is why you will see him over the side while others were born but in-between we got his lungs clear. He was not happy and she was not happy. As we rubbed him down he protested and when he protested Momma Ella was a bit frantic. What do we do with a boy making noise, human Mom? But as you will see in videos, he is doing well despite making the way for the other pups. 

Here is the gallery. Ignore it if you don't want to see yellow on the 1st boy. He looks beautiful now and hey he is my hero helping the others come.

I am also busy uploading videos. You can check them out here. Dennis is sleeping so he can do night time duty.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewSecond one born is a girl. She made her debut at 239am. She is an apricot sable, I believe now that I have had time to let them dry. She weighs 5-5/8oz 162g

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThird one born is a brown sable. She was born at 336pm. She weighs 6-1/8oz 176g

Click on Photo for Larger ViewLast one born is a girl and I believe she is black and white. She was born at 455pm. She weighs 5-5/8oz 159g

All pups are eating well. They are all lively as ever and Ella is wanting to clean her pups non stop. This will calm down as it did with Cinnamon. 

Ella is a proud momma but that first boy, although not the largest was long pushing for her but it did make way for the other pups to come easier. First 2 was breech. Last 2 were not. :-) 

I am literally trashed. So if I do not make sense, I hope you understand. I am juggling. 

To add to the fun Cinnamon has loose bowels - normal after delivery so I am cleaning her backend up - so far 4 times. laundry is sitting in the dryer waiting for another load to dry and another to go in the washer. I am blogging it.

Good news Ella seems to have settled down and has stopped making them the cleanest puppies in town. :-)

The pups - well they are beautiful and it could have been worse, it could have been during the night. 

Although they didn't have them both on the 4th they did have them within 24 hours of each other. 


Pups Coming

I have to update you later as its been a ride. Birthing has been tough for her but we suspected it would be without a connection. She had artificial insemination. 

So far first born is a boy and the next 2 are girls. They are between 5-2/8oz to 6-1/8oz

Photos will have to come.


Nesting and in Active Labour

She is nesting. She seems to be nesting everywhere. 

She is vomiting - sometimes happens at this stage and I am cleaning her bottom as she was fed this morning. We know better. She is also mega panting so she is indeed in labour.

Stay Tuned


My Turn Yet?

I kept human mom up all night - 2 days in a row - oh my. We had some nesting off and on all night but nothing else. She nests off and on this morning. At this point I hope its today as 3 nights of no sleep will kill me. Stay tuned.


No Nesting Yet

No nesting for Ella yet despite a drop. When will she start nesting? Time will tell. Stay tuned.

The girls kept me up all night. Even though Ella did not nest she wanted to be my second skin and so did Cinnamon. Glad the girls will not be whelping together. But remind me if we have one after another and 18 hours of it. :-)

- No change from Ella except some of her mucous plug has come out. This can hapopen up to a week ahead of time for some. 



They are down to the low 98s. We shall see how the night goes. I get to take the 2 girls and a few others and I get to watch them all night. Nathan will be in the guestroom trying to sleep.

This is Ella in from the rain. Off to bed now.



99.7 - no drop yet - will take it tonight as well.


Getting Ready

Tonight I am getting ready. That means setting everything up. 


Ella's xrays

Click on Photo for Larger ViewClick on Photo for Larger ViewI am waiting for my breeder vet to read but the local vet felt she was having 4 or 5. pups are of size and calcified. That means sometimes this week, I suppose.


Ella is a Fish

Ella is a fish in the water. I like that she is able to enjoy so much before pups take up all her thoughts.

Be sure to check out Cinnamon's blog to see a side by side belly shot of the 2 moms. 

If we are right it is approximately 11 days away. Oh my.


Ella Pool and After

Ms Ella had fun in the pool yesterday. We actually let her air dry and she had full bodied light waves. 

Here is the gallery.

Ms. Ella is now 14 lbs. She is usually 11lbs. It means she has gained 3lbs and may possibly gain 4 lbs before pups. She has become bigger than I suspected she would. It will be interesting to see how many pups she has. 

She had a blast swimming and they say it wil be warm all week so we are looking forward to swimming. 

Due date is most likely June 4th. That is less than 2 weeks away.


Ella Jumped Into the Pool

No ability to upload photos or create galleries due to internet issues. We will try to catch up tomorrow. Ella was jumping in the pool today.

 As you can see her tummy didn't stop her. 


Ella Belly Shot

In this photo Ella actually looks bigger than Cinnamon but she is not. It's the way they were stretched or not stretched. When standing on 4 feet. Ella is a bit smaller when you check her belly. 

She seems to be handling the heat better than Cinnamon. May 28th she gets her xray to figure out how many pups each have. Exciting times coming. I always like to hear how many.


Ella Update

Ella Bella is starting to grow significantly sideways not down like Cinnamon. She is indeed getting wider. According to the vet they are both due around June 6th. They are eating 3 times a day now. This allows the pups to grow and not rob mom of her nutrients. 

As both moms are new to this, I am sure they are not sure what is going on. We won't feel kicking till the last 1-2 weeks. They will get an xray probably on the 31st. We have yet to make an appointment.



She is still having morning sickness. Likes to lounge in the tv room or in the shade outside. Funny as she is usually a sun lover. She is eating small meals throughout the day. 

She had a bath today. I know - crazy as I have sweat pouring off me but its done.

2 more blogs and I am crawling into a recliner or a couch covered in dogs. heh



Ella is lounging on her most fave spot outside. She has morning sickness worse than Cinnamon or maybe she is more of a princess. She can't tell me. LOL To be honest, I totally feel for them. But at night before bed, she wants her treat. What is that about?

She is truly a sun dog and has been eying that pool. She won't be swimming till the end of July - poor thing as she loves it so. We may be able to push it sooner. We shall see.