Almost a Full Day Old

Pups will be a full day old at 1ish and 222pm. They are gaining. They are active . Mom has plenty of milk. She has also now gone to do her duty after over 24 hours of not doing so so her system is working. Hooray. She is eating well too and is a doting mom. Hallie is a Nathan dog as in her heart skips a beat when she sees him and was found jumping into his lap today when I took her out to empty her system. Her tail was wagging and she was ever so happy and then ran back to the pups.
The pups want for nothing so they are quiet. They love snuggling with mom. I did shave her belly so they had easier access and not through hair. We were not ready for this or this would have been done at xray time.
I did put up a couple of videos.
Thank you to Sherry for bringing food. Think I am fried from the lack of sleep. Hoping tomorrow I feel better.
Reader Comments (1)
Two beautiful little surprises. Congratulations!