12 Plus Hours Old

Mom and Pups are doing well. Mom is eating like crazy. She is drinking well and is very attentive to pups.
It is quiet at might - just me and her and the pups. It makes for a relaxing time for her. At 7am the crew will wake up. I will crawl into bed, and Nathan will be on watch. I tried to nap before bedtime but it was too noisy. We shall see what happen in 4 hours. Yes - got to make it 4 hours more. Halle has had some solid sleep here and there. Pups are slightly gaining. They are lively and are sleeping here and there.
Usually I only stay up if we are having issues but as today is my day off and I can no longer take that, I wanted to have a break from feeding the dogs.
I uploaded a couple of more videos and will do more after I wake up.
The pups are gorgeous!

Reader Comments (2)
Oh wow congratulations 🎉 What a wonderful surprise. They are beautiful. I do remember Hallie was one two or three months old the first time we visited Talemaker. We met both Hallie and Tempie then. So lovely to see both moms now.
Yay! Welcome to the world to Hallie's sweet babies! We so love these little surprises. :) Congratulations to all!!!