Bailey's Last Bath

Bailey had his last bath before departure tomorrow. He is such a handsome guy! After tomorrow I will only update this blog when someone sends me new things. I already have a few things from their new families to share.
To me, it is rather sad but then again we are happy for the families. We are also happy that they are on a grand adventure.
Here is Bailey's bath gallery. You will have to look at Jeannie's for the 2 crew gallery of the play upstairs.
How did he do? Great but blow dryers - not a word but look at his expressions in the gallery.
He is indeed ready to go home. I say that as he plays with Jeannie's 2 but he really wants to play with the adults and older crew. I think he thinks he's older than he is. It is also harder on us the extra few days as we tend to focus so much on them that we bond even more so. It is a crazy process. But he departs tomorrow.
Adele will also go back to our daughter's house to be our grand daughter's therapy dog and she will continue to visit us several times a week. Not the same but we will adjust. Life is forever fluid and well you realize that with the pups. They enrich you so much and then their journey begins.
I already miss this crew!

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