Bailey's New Family and Departure

I can't believe the last Adele puppy departed today. They truly were an outstanding bunch of characters. bailey's human mom to be is rther sick with this awful flu that is going around so she was not able to come. Plus catching the flu is not high on my list of things I most desire. ROFL. I feel bad for his mom.
Here is the gallery of his new family, Bailey, Cara, Willow, the moms and the Kai.
You will see the play session we had upstairs before Bailey departed on the Jeannie blog.
This is Bailey on his way home. He has a big drive. We hope it's a good trip. Now we are left with just the Jeannie duo and of course Leti's crew.

Reader Comments (3)
Bailey is adorable!
Congratulations on your Havanese pup!
Congrats to Bailey’s new family. He is a cutie!
From Anne: Bailey: congratulations to his new family, looks like he was comfie for the ride home.