As you know the pups had their vet visit. They played before the car ride. They whimpered till we got to Bayview (about 3 minutes and really not much fussing - almost under their breath) and then they settled in for the long trip.
We had to stop at Biopaws so I can add some treats to the bags going home. That meant an extra stop before we got to the vet. Then we got to the vet and it was wall to wall standing room only for a bit. Lex (our vet) was sorely behind. So we got in late.
The pups had a lot of people looking at them through the crate and they saw a lot of dogs eye level. No reaction. Just looked. No noise - nada!
Then we finally got in and Lex did a thorough checkup. Here he is checking their patellas. He checks bites, heart, ears, eyes, body fat. Oh and in the boys he also checks private parts. They are in great shape.
They didn't whimper with their first shots but when that microchip went in - oh boy they were not happy and all 3 after the 1st reacted before it went in. Those smarty pants knew. Glad that is over. They may or may not be sore tomorrow as they moved quite a bit with the microchip.
No accidents in their crates both ways. They came home, ate like they were starving and perhaps they were and went out to play. As I type they are fast asleep - all 10.
Jeannie was happy to see them. She is fully done weaning them.
Play Session Before Vets - we always tucker them out before a car ride.
Vet Visit Gallery - I am exhausted so I must admit some may be blurry as I did a select all but just ignore them.
Oh and before I forget the weights are:
Tri Boy 2lb 15.5 oz
Darker Faced Gal 2lbs 8 oz
Creamy Boy 3lbs 1.5 oz
Lighter faced gal 2lbs 14.5 oz
Sorry this was late but traffic was horrid and then we had dogs to play with etc Now I am doing the blogs.