10 Days Old
Everyone has now reached over 1 pound except the 1st born boy who is 15-3/8 ounces. They do try to get up and strengthen their legs especially the back ones, at this stage. If that doesn't work, they will squirm.
They have a heat lamp over their whelping box so the go under that or away from that depending on their need for warmth. The can't self regulate their temps yet so it is important to keep it warm. Usually by the time they are 3 weeks plus, are able to use beds, blankets and all the heat lamp is not necessary. This can be a warm room in warm weather time without air as we have 4 double pane windows in here and the sun beats down into this room in the summer. By the time we would be able to remove heatlamps from this room, we will have new pups. That's okay. They will be used to summer weather.
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