Hallie Pups Individuals
So today I dewormed everyone and this time we have loose stools - which is very common. 1st time no issues. This will resolve itself but this is why we deworm vs you having to when the pups go home with you. Not fair for you to be cleaning up, making sure they get enough water and you having to worry. We will deworm each puppy 2 days before it goes home. If it has a reaction such as loose stools, it will be resolved within 2 days. Why did this occur this time? Well you are putting toxins in their bodies and the 1st time they had no clue what was going on so this time they did. Stress contributes to this but as I said, it does clean out their system when needed but I can assure you that our dogs do not have worms. We do the adults when we do the pups as a PREVENTATIVE as vets will insist you do it. If it is already done, you do not need to.
Tomorrow I will let you know how they are doing. They are still playing and still active. That tells me this is a mild reaction.
But I should have waited till after the vaccines as they can also contribute to a reaction. None of this is serious.
Tomorrow they will have a full day. Tonight I print out photos so we can have the vet check them in order of moms.
Be sure to check out the videos.