10 Days Old

They still do have squinty eyes so I think within a day or a bit for eyes open. The gal is getting up on her legs and attempting to walk. The fat boy says - think I will crawl for now. LOL
Once the eyes are open, I add toys so they have some visuals. It is not until they try to climb out of the whelping box that I remove it. Until then, they can only see out from a certain vantage point. Their world will change, at this point and you will enjoy their antics once they start getting mobile. It seems like it takes forever and then it does and you go - oh that was fast.
Hallie remains golden as a mom. She is one of the best moms. She lets them sleep when they need to. She loves cuddling with them and she fills their needs.
Usually about 3.5 weeks old we take them outside for the 1st time. That is approx 2 weeks from now. We play it by ear depending on the weather and how mobile they are.
For now we are on eyes open watch.