
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries by Darlah (162)


Such Characters

They have had their eyes open for a couple of days and already they are quite the character. The boy lays either on his back or side and the gal tries to treat him like a pillow. Most times he doesn't mind but every now and again he says nah.

Here is the gallery.

It is hard to believe that they are over 2 weeks old. Momma Hallie is found lazing in the sun after she feeds and cleans them allowing them sleep while she remains social. Hallie is a very social being. She is extremely loving. Makes you feel loved always. I suspect her pups will be the same. 

In teh next couple of days I need to start adding toys into the whelping box so they have interesting visuals.

Videos will be found here.


Two Weeks Old

Eyes are open. I did have them look out the window. They appeared to be fascinated. Good start. I showed them to the gals in heat and they were sniffing them up. Hallie says - okay but they are mine.

Here is the gallery.

The boy is starting to get active. He's curious but she tends to use him as a pillow. they are way comfie.

Here are the videos.


13 Days Size and Well Laziness

He is indeed going to be longer than the sister but Hallie is longer in body and Truffie is shorter in body. So, there you go. He opens his eyes, looks at you and  then closes them again. The gal does this too. I must laugh. They are content as they are. 

Here is the gallery.

The boy has this fabulous tuft of white on his chin. Both have 2 white feet in the rear. They both have a white streak on their chest.

I can't say it enough but here I go again. Hallie is such a fabulous mom. Her kids so far are so easy going. We did show off the pups to Ollie's mom and Hallie came running to see what we were doing. Maybe if we get a hot day soon, we will walk the pups around the yard. So far rain and more rain but the plants are in heaven.

Hallie is VERY trustworthy. She heads outside when the pups are sleeping to hang out with the dogs. She doesn't stay outside the length of time the others does but she has balance in her life.

Today she had steak, yesterday bacon. She is enjoying the meal plan. LOL

You can find the videos here.


12 Days Old and 1 Eyes Open

Belly up boy getting mighty comfie with his surroundings. The gal is too. AThe boy still has slitty eyes where he can see but refuses to open up wide. The gal has opened hers halfway - a more than teh boy.

As you can see her eyes are open. His will probably be tonight.

Here is the gallery.

The gal is getting up on her legs more than the boy but it happens so quickly, you can't capture it unless you have a video going always.

It will take a week to see some really big progress - maybe less or maybe more. Eyes open changes everything. In 2 weeks time, it will be exciting to watch for them, for us and for you.

Here are the videos.


11 Days Old

Sorry still no eyes open. They are slackers. LOL

Here is the gallery.

I am so late on the blogs as I have been grooming all day. Pups gained a minimal amout today but spent time trying to get up on the legs. So, this is quite normal. They are fat and eat well.These pups, so far has been mighty easy care. Mom is fabulous and well they want for nothing.

Videos are going up now. I am going to do it from the recliner and hope I do not fall asleep. LOL