3 Weeks 3 Days Old

I may not have a gallery on any of the blogs for a few days. The service that hosts my galleries is having serious issues and may not be working in a viable way for a few days. So, I will try to take more videos and return to adding galleries when it is working. Apologies.
These pups are almost 3.5 weeks old. They are doing really well getting around. Actually all the pups are.
Dennis did me a huge favour and changed out all the blankets in each of the pens and sterilized before I got up. It is not as easy as removing a blanket and replacing it. We literally wash and benefect (sterilize) the flooring daily. It takes time. Usually about an hour or a bit more.
It is important to have a clean environment for many reasons but if the pups get used to 'clean', they are more apt to want to continue that as adults. Pups at this age are not trained to use a pad though we have 2 using a pad on their own in this crew now. We have started to place them on the pad each time mom feeds them and each time they wake up to get them used to the routine. As spring and summer comes, they will learn about outdoors as well. They can and do use both even as adults if trained. This way if there is a heavy snowstorm or rain, they can use the pad and otherwsie they can use outdoors. All show dogs are trained this way - well can't say all but many are and it shows that they can learn both and use each method with ease.
Part of this instinct is natural as you can see with 2 already using the pad on their own. But it is necessary to put them on the pads over and over so they know what is expected and they maintain cleanliness.
It is all a journey and it takes routines reinforced. It is a lot of work.
Pups are doing really well and getting fat and growing. Their weight gains will slow down as they start expelling more energy when playing.