
Here is the gallery for all 3 litters.
All 3 litters are together. As I am typing, they are actually upstairs playing for the 3rd time. As it is impossible to do galleries separate now, we will update the galleries in one blog. For instance today the galleries will be in Hallies blog. Tomorrow in Willows and the next day in Nami's unless you can figure out a better way of doing it.
I will post 1 photo in each blog of a puppy from that particular litter and the videos will be linked in all blogs and the videos will be of all together.
I know this will make it hard. I actually thought of literally no photos in the other 2 blogs except on that blogs turn but you may not like that. Even a description of what each litter is not relevant any longer, when combined.
So, I will put this explanation here. In Willow's blog, I will put a description of what they did today.
On Nami's I will just put a photo with a very short blurb.
Let me know if that is doable for you. I can't figure out how else to do it.