Okay Update on Selection

We had hoped to have this finished by this morning but some people are insisting on their #1 choice (several actually) and 1 particular dog can't go to many families. It seems many also have the same 3 picks. This is beside the point that in some cases it is not a good pick. One insisted and only gave us 1 choice and said either this or we will wait.
These are all sensational dogs. You have no clue but really they truly are! We are even offering our own personal top picks and still no go - well one person got it.
This has been the most miserable, stress filled selection we have ever done and I am supposed to have a puppy to go home on the 6th. I have never been this late and that adds to the stress. I am not even sure I can be ready for that as I have paperwork that actually takes time and a bag of things I create such as a blanket, tag, tote bag etc. I have to uniquely design them and must have the names and photos to do so.
I want to say all that are being difficult wait till next litter as I know for a fact those on our waiting on our list would be overjoyed but we are still trying. We may reach that point. Hope not as that is my last choice but may be the only one that gives us resolution. We shall see.
The items I make may have to be picked up later. I really do not know how super human I am. Certainly not enough. I am and will keep trying.
So, here we sit still not finding solutions despite how hard we are trying.
I believe the larger the group, the more difficult it is to appease and really because of this I should offer the dog that is not the right fit?
Sorry, I am venting. I need a stiff drink or 2 or 3 or 4. Nathan is taking a nap. I didn't get to take the pups out this morning due to this and grooming. I am going to take them outside in a bit but I needed to vent and I am eating Cherry Garcia ice cream to give myself comfort - Nathan is taking a nap as he needs a break.
There it is - in all its glory. I never want to have 16 puppies again - ever ever. They are sensational due to the large number but the flipside is this and all the work that 16 brings.
Stay tuned!

Reader Comments (8)
From someone who got a puppy from Talemaker a few months ago, I can, with full confidence, request you all to TRUST Nathan and Darlah ! We meet the puppies twice for about an hour each - Nathan and Darlah have lived and loved them since the past 8-9 weeks !! When we go for our visits, we are aware that we have to meet 16 of these puppies and give our top 3 choices - but think from the puppies’ perspective too - they are totally unaware that they have to suddenly interact with 15-20 new humans - so some of them might be shy, some playful, some adventurous - that does not mean that some are better than others. Their personalities will grow over time and I think they will also be shaped basis our engagement with them. From personal experience - we got our selection no 2 - our No 1 choice was based on that he spent more time cuddling in our laps so he , probably, had an attachment to us. Cue to a few months later - our darling puppy is inseparable from our lives - as Nathan told us - give him a week and we will become his world - and now we can’t even THINK of any other ‘choice’. Think of the reasons you put those selection numbers and why is it a deal breaker not to get number 1 - all Talemaker puppies are brought up with love and kindness and warmth and that is what they will bring into your life !
I'm so sorry this has been so stressful. I would trust your judgement and would be thrilled with any puppy that is healthy and happy
Meadow was our #3 pick and Abby was tied for first with 5 others! Both our number ones. I’ll take any one of these 16 - boy or girl - as our third!
We got ours dogs as rescue/rehomed from Talemaker Havanese and the Havanese Rescue. Leo with his crooked mouth and Pixie with her traumatized past of men, thin with such a poor coat. I can't imagine them going to anyone other than us, Leo is an ultimate mama's boy and Pixie, daddy's girl, a totally different dog, Ms Congeniality on the street, her body and coat have taken years to fully fill out, she is absolutely gorgeous today, lots of good food and work but so totally worth it. Patience was the key note for both of them. And they are now both in full coat! Just ask Darlah!
Best behaved and loved dogs in the whole neighborhood, they are no longer the same dogs we first met, a single 20 min visit and we took them home that same day, Nathan and Darlah were absolutely thrilled.
I personally would take the most difficult dog to place, well heck, we did just that! Best decision ever!
And a final word, the real work continues at home with every new pup.
I thought I wanted a black and white girl. I ended up with a sable boy…and he was the love of my life. Somehow, someway you end up with the dog you were meant to have if you just let it happen. Be open and let the universe do its magic.
I would hope that if people are that adamant they would wait for the next litter. I guess I would worry tbat if they weren't absolutely thrilled about the puppy they got, the puppy might pay the price in the end and that is the last thing you want to happen. Good luck!
Having 16 puppies to choose only 3 would be so hard. And then to have additional stress by insisting on this or that. Breeders know their dogs and puppies and match them to their future families, have trust they know what they are doing. Those puppies are raised so well, with so much conditioning and so much love, they Darlah and Nathan will choose the right puppy for you even if it it wasn’t your #1 choice. Or #2 or #3 for that matter.
Wow! That does not sound fun at all! Every one of those pups would be perfect! I hope all works out.