4 Weeks 3 Days Old

Today is the last day the pups will be exposed to the younger set. They looked forward to them. Still had to keep reminding them to not pick them up high. It was a challenge but the pups really really liked them.
I may take them out one more time. The parents aren't back yet - still downtown. Who knows now what time they will depart. The pups really like going outside. They are growing up.
They do not have teeth yet. They are investigating their surroundings without a concern in the world. They like it outside.
We are trying to figure out if they will go upstairs without mom for the evening from 10pmish till 7am. None of us have any energy as we have to set up the area. Put a camera in so I and momma Hallie can watch them. Maybe Monday - Wednesday. One of those days. This will begin their next chapter of being semi independent and dealing with yet another environment.
The 6 week visit will just be 2 families. Wow - so soon.
I hardly took videos. I think only 3. Sorry - as its been one of THOSE days. It happens.
Reader Comments (1)
Delay the separation of mom and pups, you are overly tired. And I know you would be up all night watching them and not get any sleep.
What's a day or 2 delay, nothing much in the grand scheme of things.