3 Weeks 4 Days Plus Grandkids

It is a busy house today and the son and daughter-in-law is shopping and we are taking care of the kids, pups and dogs. Tonight everyone arrives at 530ish.
How did Hallie do with the grandkids with her pups and most of all how did the pups do with the grandkids? Hallie was magical - wanting to share and the pups really enjoyed the chaos, I suppose as there is no other way to describe it. Reminders as to not carry and walk with a pup was noted many times. Sit only.
Can I use your computer? Can I use your camera, can I swim - can the pups swim with us. The grandkids are now with Dennis so I can do a blog before company arrives. How I will get the other blog done - who knows. This is day 1.
Pups are eating really well without issue. They do drink water but not enough yet to do without feeding from mom during the night. They have had to do with getting woken up and now I have had to say - they need sleep. LOL

Reader Comments (2)
Your granddaughters are adorable, I bet it was amazing to see, squeeze and cuddle them after all these years. Facetime, zoom can't take the place of the real thing.
And wow, the pups are at the perfect age for them too, lucky girls.🤗
Yes - wonderful kids but to be honest - I must be old as I am exhausted between them, family and dogs plus grooming.