7 Weeks Old

Yes, the pups are 7 weeks old already - wow. We had some fun with them. I took this toy out that moves by itself and I caught it in a video. So be sure to watch the videos.
We like to give them fun exposures and this toy even gets the older dogs going. You will understand when you see it.
More and more the dogs are playing with the older dogs. It's a great experience for them. They are also eating plants and we are curbing that as it affects their bowels.
It's hot outside and we are waiting to take them out (already been out twice) as the deck is way to uncomfortable. as soon as the sun starts going down they will be back out to play.
Reader Comments (1)
I can't believe they are 7 weeks already. And, I can't believe they could get cuter but they are for sure. What very lucky to be new families!