A Big 6 Weeks Old

This is how Nathan reacts if a tooth makes a connection with any part of him. You over react, you make a loud noise to catch their attention and you stop the play. They are not trying to hurt you. You see their brothers are less sensitive than we are but they too will yelp and stop the play. This is a normal process where they learn to use a soft mouth. When they realize they kiss you. It's not frequent but it does happen at this stage. This is called bite inhibition and they are learning it. By the time they go home they will have this process down.
We expanded the deck area and they just expanded their play area. If it gets too hot they go under the outdoor sofa that we have out there. It was a Mother's Day gift for me one year. We use it more now that its on the deck.
Two more days and baths.... oh boy!
Reader Comments (1)
The pups have so much fun with Nathan. Roxie seems to enjoy watching her boys playing. The forever families will be so happy to meet this crew.