4 Weeks 3 Days

This was their first time in the hall. Outside was very wet after the storm so we figured why not try them in a new place... the hall. How did they do?
No issue and get this they found their way around obstacles (great troubleshooting) and they were walking on the tile with little issue. the floors are slippery and were just cleaned but they did a great job.
The pups are now eating the soft mousse well enough that they will most likely go upstairs without mom on Monday or Tuesday. We will have a camera on them and the room is right next to ours so we can hear and watch from our ipad and get to them if we need to. We have never needed to. But I end up watching so much that sleep is elusive.
They all have teeth now. I am going to find the antlers so they can chew on them.
The creamy boy guy will be the smallest.
Roxie is feeding them less as she knows that is the only way they will start eating. Bravo Mom. She is now just feeding them when she is so full she needs to. Roxie is amazing with the pups. You can clearly see it in the videos.
You can now see how they are playing with each other. it's unfortunate that you have bigger and smaller pups playing together as clearly the larger ones have the advantage but the littlest one has found tactics like grabbing the back end and tail. It's all in fun but it's obvious he is smart enough to find a way that he has the advantage.
Be sure to check out the videos. I am still uploading a number of them including the hall session.
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