Four Weeks Old

What fine teeth you have... Yes, 4 weeks old and 2 have teeth poking through and 1 has them almost poking through. Nothing on the other 2. They are growing up.
Today they had kibble softened, cooled off and then placed in a food processor to splice it into tiny pieces. They seem to like it okay but they have to eat more solids so we can get Mom back into bed with us. It will come. usually by 4.5 weeks and I informed them today. heh
We have some fun videos today. You will see what I mean when you watch them.
They are now really watching what goes outside of their xpen. They get excited when I get the sherpa bag out. They seem to be super relaxed outdoors. I did startle one by jumping. I went to kill a mosquito and I guess he figured I may come down on him. He got over it fast. Strange movements that are not the norm is necessary so they gain their coping skills.
They are truly wonderful pups. Such a huge change from even 3 weeks to 4 weeks. Wait till you see from now till 6 weeks. It's truly a fun journey - well it is to me!
Reader Comments (2)
Those videos are so much fun to watch. Love the one outdoors where there is a little wrestling match with two pups at about 5 min into the video. So cute to watch them interact. The families getting those pups are lucky. They are adorable.
Yes - very lucky. Love this crew!