Two Updates Tonight
We will have a regular update then the bath photos of the pup departing tomorrow. I won't tell you who it is till after the bath.
I had my moments with all 18 to offer them my wisdom. Not sure if they listened. Are they different as 15? Yes!
They are trying to figure out where they fit and who is boss. Funny how 3 can mix things up. Then tomorrow another. We will see how it all unfolds but Dennis now has them out so they can chase those woolies out. Then I bathe the one going home tomorrow. It's going to be a VERY busy week with all the baths and paperwork and bags to create.
Here's a video of the crazy play so you can see what I mean but they have already calmed down.
All 3 moms know they have missing ones. They are fine. It doesn't hit them till they are no more. Then we distract them with really fun things. They then realize its not so bad being without responsibility.
Reader Comments (1)
Darlah - so nice to see you with all the pups! Congratulations! You have given them all the necessary coping skills. They will continue to thrive and grow in their new forever homes! Hope everyone continues to keep in touch.