
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Timing to Go Home and Names

August 10th Sable Gal - Ellie

August 11th 1st born Male - Desi

August 14th black and white Tri - Emmy

Photos etc coming later. 


Nathan Out With Pups

As Leti refused to eat this morning and was acting funny, I though hmm best get the whelping box ready and get grooming done, So, I spent all my time washing, cutting, getting things ready and going a bit insane. She is not due till tomorrow. 

Here is the gallery that Nathan took. 

You see he took the photos and the videos. I am putting them up as quickly as I can. LOL He doesn't take as many as I do. It is what it is. 


Swimming Day

Nathan had the pups in the pool today. He started out with 2 at a time and decided 1 at a time was better. 

Here is the gallery with JUST the Ella Pups. 

How did they do? All rather well. Though when he took 2 they did jump on each other. It's why 1 at a time is wise. LOL Can't drown ones sibling, can we?

The heat such as it is made this a welcomed experience for the pups. For us going one at a time takes a fair bit of time.

Here is another gallery of the both litters together. 


Hot Day

This one knew where to be. He was found leaning up against the dish. This particular dish has a cooling disc in it to keep the water cold. I guess it also cools off a pup. :-)

Sorry I am so late on the blogs and that they are so short. 

Be sure to check out the videos.

Dennis had all the pups in the pool but I was grooming so no photos or video. sigh


Water Dogs

This gal's name is Ellie. She loves, loves, loves the water dish especially if there is an ice cube in it. We will have to try her in the pool. She is one of the first to depart.

Check out the gallery.

It was so hot, we wet the pups to cool them off. 

Can't believe a week from today 2 will depart. I best get my act together getting everything done. Think there may be a lit of late nights in store for me. LOL


First 2 to Depart

This is the first two that will depart on August 10th. 

What I have noticed is the pups are getting adventurous. They jump, they tackle, they play tug. It is a riot.

Be sure to check the videos.

Pups are truly outstanding beings. They so make me laugh. 


Since You Asked

This is the Ella gal that we are keeping. We are hoping she turns out. The personality with her and Ali is completely different. She is more reserved and Ali - well she is out there. 

Be sure to check out the gallery.

I have to order the treats tonight so they get here in time. Do not buy food. We give you a bag. I will start getting everything ready after the long weekend. It is crazy busy holiday time so get your names and pertinent info in so I can get everything done. 

Pups have had a few fun times outdoors. They are now on the deck with the walls down as it is raining. They didn't know what to think of the flying walls but they got used to it pretty fast.


Oh Short Blog

I need to get the pups out before the rain comes. Be sure to check out the videos.

Puppies are so full of life. They truly enjoy playing with Lily.

Pups are doing really well!


Last 8 Week Visit

We had a great overcast day so the pups were playing their heart out. They have started playing tug and are rather good at it. 

We enjoyed the visit and hopefilly they too enjoyed it!

Here is the gallery from the visit.

Blogs are short but that's because I need to get out to play with them. Dennis is out but I really want to spend time with them. It's less than 2 weeks and the first 2 go home. 


Rainy Sunday

It's a hot steamy then rainy day. What a day but the pups were out with Nathan then upstairs with Dennis twice a day. I didn't get the time desired with them. There are some days... 

But be sure to check out the videos.

Puppies enjoy outside and upstaies equally. Each brings it's own set of fun!


8 Week Visit Take 2

The puppies were quite the characters. No one hid. All said hello and some ran up and down from the bottom deck to the upper deck having the time of their life. They slept 3 plus hours after such a play session. The more they play, the deeper they sleep. 

Here is the gallery.

Be sure to send us the top 3 you are interested in. To be honest, each puppy is a winner in my book and I don't say that lightly. They truly are fun pups.  From Ella's we are keeping the brown and white gal.

This is it. If everyone turns out, we now have our next generation. 

We are looking for a fantasy name as that will stay in the theme. So ideas, are welcomed. 

We will not be matching puppies till after the Monday visit. Remember - no losers. They are scrumptious pups.


Busy But Fun Day

The pups had a visit with 2 families and each time I checked in they were having a great time. I am sure tomorrow will be a blast. 

Be sure to check out the videos.

There is nothing like puppy fun and tomorrow we have more of that!!


At the Vets

What a character. She had no issues and wagged her tail at the vet till the shot and microchip. <sigh> Only one dog out of 10 didn't make a peep with the microchip insertion and shots and that was a Cinnamon pup. The rest complained. Which is usual considering that the microchip does hurt going in. 

Here is the vet photos of both litters.

No one shook. Everyone had waggy tails till they started hearing each pup complain. It is not a fun process but a necessary one. 

All of Ella's pups didn't make a peep all the way to the vets and back. No accidents. No car sickness. They were truly great! 


Ramp, Wet and All That

Dennis set up the ramp between the decks to see how they would do. They amazed us. I got to watch some on video that Dennis took and then after they had a bath I got to watch. 

Yes, they had a bath but no bath photos. You can see them wet in the gallery playing.

I did all 4 Ella pups at once. They were AMAZING!

You will have to check out the videos of their outside play. I did not have any bath photos. I decided I was not super human and I didn't want to do it just before they headed to the vet. 

Tomorrow....vets! We won't have our usual vet as he is on holiday. I guess he went on holidays himself as we have his wife. :-) Hope she doesn't mind me taking photos.



The pups LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the teethers. Thank you, Anne and Russell!

Here is today's gallery.


Daddy and the Pups

Stone loves the pups and these are his kids. He gets so into playing with them. It's so nice how fun and gentle he is. 

Be sure to watch the videos.

The pups had rain conditioning today and some even stood out in it without reacting. What good puppies. You can watch their reaction which is better than just photos, I say!


So Many Changes

The pups love their dinner as they get ground meat in among the kibble. Each time we are softening less as the pups truly have a lot of teeth now. 

Be sure to check out the videos.

Let's see - this week is mega busy. There will be no gallery on Wednesday and probably just a couple of videos as Nathan and I are going off to see Treasure. Then on Thursday the pups will get a bath and air dry. I am not superhuman. No photos of baths but photos at vets etc.

We have a vet visit in the afternoon. I will brush them out as they dry. 

Then on Friday we have a puppy visit from someone who is out of town Saturday. We usually do not do this. It makes for crazy busy times. Then on Saturday we have the 8 week visit. Then we hear what your choices are and see if it all makes sense. That takes a few days. Not everyone writes right away, if you can believe. 

Now it is TV time.


Fun Play Upstairs

The rain affords us the push to take the pups to different places to expose them to the new. Sometimes it is easy to just take them outside but even though it is a lot of work to set up the upstairs, it makes sense to do it for them. This week I will take out 1 at a time to the front yard and carry them around so they can hear cars and see new things. They are also heading to the vets this week. That also affords them new exposures. 

Here is the gallery.

If the vets are busy, Nathan will take 1 or 2 out at a time so they can look around in his arms. these exposures help them build coping skills.


Sherpa Bags

The pups truly love the sherpa bags and have a great deal of comfort in them. This transporting them in and out works well for the new families.

Be sure to check out the videos.

They sure are lively and then they sleep. These bursts of energy is fun to watch.

More tomorrow...


Ella Crew

The Ella crew is gaining weight, growing and truly their personalities are coming through. She has some truly fun characters. This beauty photographed above wags her tail and snuggles into my neck like no other. It's such a great feeling. 

Here is the gallery.

They are getting adventurous and learning from their play. I can't believe how many teeth they have.