Louis New Family

Here is the gallery of his new family.
This one was known as white chin boy. He's the boy that if I dropped something he would be curious but not run for the hills. He is a super boy that I so adore.
It was hot out. 1 Willow boy said let me play inside. Not sure what he will do when it is his turn. LOL
Louis walked through the ice - no issue. They are getting the hand of this means we cool off if we indulge this crazy human.
Here is the gallery before he departed.
Watch, when this concludes on Sunday - Leti's is the last to go, it will be downright cool. You watch.
If it wasn't for covid we would be sitting in air.
We just got word he arrived him. Oh we will miss him!
Reader Comments (5)
Louis is such a cutie ! Congratulations !
He's a gorgeous one! Congrats to all!
Congrats to the new family!
It is Day 4 at home with Louis, he is so, so sweet!
Just so cute, the whole neighborhood is in love with him. We have had him on the front lawn a few times and everyone has been stopping to ask all about him. He loves following us everywhere and has started to try and play with our two choc labs. They can’t quite figure out what he is as he is so small!
Thanks again to Nathan, Darlah and Dennis for all the amazing care and attention the pups have received. Hugs 🤗
Congratulations to Louis' family. He will bring you years of fun-filled love and enjoyment!