Three Weeks Old Tonight WOW
How did that time go by? I must admit I am so in love with these pups. You wait till you see the boy wag his tail so hard when he sees his Mommy. Be still my heart.
Pups have now started waking up, playing and not eating between. This is the start of more awake time. Till now their play is about 10 minutes then they sleep. Now they opened up another window of awake time without eating. What that means is they have the most energy after eating but now they are also waking up about 2 hours into their sleep, playing and then going back to sleep for another 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes they push their eating time a tad later. They are growing and their bellies retain more.
Jeannie is an amazing mom. I have taught her balance with this scheduled feedings. The alarm goes off and she is saying mom its time. She not only feeds them and cleans them but she genuinely plays and loves them up. I am so lucky to have great moms.
Pay attention to the boys tail. It tells you how happy he is to see Momma.
This is why I am doing night time feedings but on Monday night Dennis may be taking over again. He will need to make sure they all get their spots but he will also be able to sleep after I get up. That has not been the case with me. I do night duty and I am up all day. I get the rare nap especially with Nathan gone. But 1 more week and this one will be on food and we won't worry about who is letting whom in as they will take turns with food and mom. It is a more relaxed feeding when food is introduced but then Roxie's pups will have to be watched.
I am a little tired so instead of the commentary I am just going to put the rest if the videos up. Hope you enjoy. I wouldn't want to miss the moments with these pups. I love how social they are so early.
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