So What
It doesn't matter if it rains. That crazy lady puts on her purple and black rain jacket with a hood and takes us out anyways.
Shh don't tell her but she looks very silly in it. I looked at her and couldn't figure out that contraption on her head and started to bark at her. She didn't think it was funny so I stopped.
She needs to laugh more - I was just teasing - or was I?
I get to go to class soon with Cha Cha and Timmy. How cool is that? They will be better than me as they already went to classes and now how to walk on a lead but we will play catch-up. It's not a race - just a get there sort of a thing and besides they are my size so this will be fun!
Reader Comments (1)
Timmy says he is so excited about seeing Jeannie again. Maybe Jeannie you can play with me and my sister Cha Cha before class! We'll all have so much fun! But we can't play together during the class. We have to pay attention to the teacher and to our mommy or daddy who is showing us how to do all these neat things! Oh Jeannie! I can't wait until Tuesday night!