Havanese Picnic

We had our 2019 Havanese picnic.
On Saturday, August 17th, 2019, from 12noon until 5pm we will have another year of havanese bliss. Although I was barely awake, I did manage to snap a few photos one of the years. Check out the 2013 picnic. All are unedited. With new pups, well it's all I could muster. Here are the 2019 photos.
Way back when we used to do the picnics in our backyard. One year when it rained we did it half inside and out with popup tents but we no longer can do this as too many people come to fit into our yard.
Plus Yvonne has the PERFECT yard for it and these days it is a combined effort with the Talemaker families coming and Yvonne's Chicadoro puppy people coming. We also invite anyone who has a Havanese to join us.
We had a great crew but not everyone was in the photo but thanks to Steven for clicking this group shot. We hope to do another one next year before people leave.
Details for This years event - August 17, 2019!
What to bring: 1 dish that you want to share - this is a POTLUCK - Bring a Dish, transportable chairs to sit in, your camera, good nature and your Havanese, of course! Water dishes are already filled so no need to bring your dawg dishes!
Directions to the Havanese Picnic
25 Powerline Road, Quinte West, Ontario, K0k1h0 - Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR NOW. Bathinf suit if you want to swim.
If you are coming from the west (Toronto, London etc..) travel east along the 401 to exit #509, County Road #30. Turn right at the stop sign and head south to Brighton. At the second stop lights (they are very close together) turn left (this is hwy#2) and head east out of town for approx. 6kms (3 miles) to Stoney Point Road. Turn right onto Stoney Point, go over the two sets of railroad tracks and head south to the first street on your left, Powerline Road. Turn left onto Powerline and then a quick right into the first drive on the right, #13. Here’s a site from Mapquest with a detailed map:
Click here for a map - MAKE SURE YOU GO TO 25
If you are coming from the EAST (Kingston, Montreal etc..) travel west along the 401 to exit #522, Wooler Road. Turn left at the stop sign and head south to the second set of stop lights, Hwy #2. Turn right on Hwy #2 and head west for approx 6-7 kms (3-4miles) to Stoney Point Road. Turn left onto Stoney Point go over the two sets of railroad tracks and head south to the first street on your left, Powerline Road. Turn left onto Powerline and then a quick right into the first drive on the right, #13. You can refer to the detailed map above.
Just a quick note, Stoney Point is only on the south side of Hwy #2, on the north side it is called Walt St. So keep an eye out for the correct turn.
Yvonne's home phone # is 613-475-2102, call if you need a search party sent out for you!!!
If you are using a GPS, make certain that you use Quinte West as the town name and K0K 1H0 as the postal code. You will not find the picnic using Brighton as the town name.
We promise you will have a ton of fun! You have to trust us on this or look at some of the photos up from years past.