Training Builds ConfidenceTraining Builds Confidence
If a dog is using growling, snapping or even biting the air or contact, your dawg most likely lacks confidence. He needs to be confident enough to know you can and will handle any unforeseen circumstances.
A dog that is trained is welcomed in many environments. This allows you greater freedom for both of you.
Education is key but instead of spending all your time fixing what is wrong, be sure to set your dawg up to achieve. It's simply not fair to correct a dawg unless he's learned what is right. Balance is key. In example do not leave food out on the table unless you are willing to train him to 'leave it.' The answer is to educate him in what you expect and reward, reward and reward when he does. Always try to end a training session with a positive that he can reach and leave something he didn't achieve till the next day to try it again.
If a dawg keeps doing something, it means he finds it rewarding in some way.
Don't make lessons harder till easier stages are mastered. It is usually easier to do training in steps.
Why train? Your dawg is what you put into it. You can have an amazing dawg. It just takes time and reinforcement and what you get with training is a well behaved dawg that everyone loves.
It's worth the effort...believe me!
© Content published on this page has been a collaborative effort and provided by, and copyrighted by Darlah Potechin and Nathan Potechin ( No unauthorized reproduction or re-publication in any medium whatsoever is permitted without prior written permission.