
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Skye Update


A big congratulations to Raven and the Talemaker family for the beautiful puppies!

Skye is an amazing pup, and we love him so much. We can’t believe how smart he is. He already rings the bells at our patio door to go outside, and he knows ‘sit’, ‘lie down’, and ‘stay’. He has the most trouble with ‘stay’ because he wants to give us so much puppy love!

Thank you so much for Skye. We are so thrilled to have him as part of our family.


The Whitefield family



She's so trying to eat my berries. Nathan has started to train her as she hears him call, she smiles and gallops away. She's done it so much that it is time. She is going to test his patience but in a fun way!


Nami Saga

She remains absolutely wonderful. Classes tomorrow, shots on Thursday. Now both depend on Raven's cooperation. We shall see.


Love of a Pup

Benji is a pup himself and he is quite smitten with Nami. I would like to say Nami is smittened by him but she is smittened by EVERYONE. I think she thinks everyone loves her.

What a character and she plays wonderful with the bigger dogs!


Silly Nami

Didn't we just paint this door not too long ago. Maybe I best get to it again this week.

Nami is such a silly gal. She just loves playing with her mom. Stormy is over the moon delighted to have a gal to teach and play with. Here she was licking the glass door. Really?


Nami : Short for Tsunami

Her name means big wave in Japanese. She is a pretty fun puppy.

She runs with the adults and almost keeps up with them. She sleeps through the night tucked into Nathan or sprawled out nearby. She prances - bonus for showing. She doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. Today she escaped the sherpa bag in the car. Back in she went so she could get used to the car and to go to Brunos. Yes, they let her in there - only Nathan can get away with it and they oohed in ahhhed over her. She loved it. Tomorrow he will go to Global. We are conditioning her to being out and about but in the arms till after next vaccination. She heads to class at the end of the month.

First day she was back she was swimming. She was confused at first and looked for her siblings and the xpen (a mini version is up for Raven) but she squeezes through the bars. She thinks the house is hers to explore. She plays and plays then sleeps and sleeps.

Stormy is extra pleased. They play and they play.


Leaning Towards

Tsunami - call name Nami - Nami means wave in Japanese

Now off to get Geordie the Rescue


Need a Name

Got a Stormy gal back and she is going to remain. The activity level of the play, I gather was too much so we are looking for a name in the line of a storm - I thought of Blizzard - call name Bizzie but really need a better idea. We went to get her yesterday and she is doing amazing. She was a tad confused at first but not today.  Stormy is over the moon happy and so are the other moms. She swam yesterday. She played with everyone and now she is napping with Nathan. She's actually quite gorgeous with a wonderful prance. Photos later - class begins this month.


4 Updates Today: Skye's New Family

Sorry I am so late with this. Can you believe I had a dog dog that I had to groom that just went home. So, here I am blogging and eating and well may have a fever tree tonic and gin - thank you!!!

Here is the family gallery.

It was very hot out and I hear we may have thunderstorms tomorrow so what is worse? Got to laugh - covid how you are messing up with our plans - outside when we should be inside with air.

This family, I watched and posted the videos and I love how you interact with Skye and the pups. We did have one puppy that barked as he wanted indoors. So, instead of indulging him again, I put him in the water and he just stood there. Everyone else, including Skye was playing. Skye was having too much fun.

Here is the gallery before Skye departed including the wet one that managed to cool off with the pool wet experience.

I did manage to put my ipad on my grooming table and uploaded the videos while I was grooming.

Skye, I hear is being a tad cautious getting his sailor feet so to speak. Where am I. What is this about. He will be just fine with this family. I miss his fun already!

The rest of the crew are running like banshees upstairs. Tomorrow 3 more departs, 3 more get baths. The last departs Sunday.

I so love this crew and I don't say that lightly!


4 Updates Today: Maui's New Family

We are in extreme heat alert and well the pups told us this midstream. We hope it is cooler this evening.

Here is the family gallery.

The pups did well despite this but Willow's crew called uncle first - its too hot so they went inside to play with Willow and it was wonderful to see mom and pups playing.

Here is the gallery before Maui departed.

Thank you ever so much for the gin - so appreciative. Will have to wait till Sunday night or I may be apt to make mistakes. LOL


4 Updates Today: Skye's Last Bath

Oh, I am going to miss this guy's spirit. He came out with a curious soul immediately. Never had one so true to his personality from day 1 that never changed. Usually they make a huge leap between 6 to 8 weeks and do change but he is Skye and you have to love such a grand personality.

Here are his bath photos.

He is the last Stormy boy departing tomorrow. Going to miss this guy but so glad he has a wonderful family with kids to bond to.


4 Updates Today: Maui's Last Bath

Maui was great in the bath. I am not sure what he was looking at when I had him held up for photos but he kept looking up and over Nathan's head.

Here are his bath photos.

He had no issues with his bath. He actually splashed a bit. Maybe he is going to be a water dog.

First born boy is the 2nd to go tomorrow.


Rosey's New Family

This is Rosey's new family gallery.

It already got mighty hot by the time she was going to depart. With covid we are not doing inside. It makes it hard.normally we would be sitting at our kitchen table. Still, the pups managed to play.

Here is the gallery of the crew before Rosey departed.

Also, be sure to check out the videos.


Rosey's Last Bath Before Departure: 2 Updates Today

Rosey was mighty comfie with the bathing and drying experience. She laid on the table and let the air blow.

Here is her bath gallery.

Did you notice how the 2 girls have this adorable tuft of white hair on their chin? This is my snuggle gal who just loves you to play and snuggle and fall asleep on your lap. Be still my heart!

She is the 2nd to depart tomorrow. Going to miss the snuggles massively!


Summer's Last Bath Before Departure

Is she cute as a button or what? It's those eyes.

Here is Summer's bath gallery.

This gal stuck her tongue at me as if to say nah nah I can climb out of this sink and she so tried. It wasn't hard to stop her but  it tells me she is always thinking. She doesn't mind the bath and actually enjoys swimming but really didn't we get wet YESTERDAY?

This gal is going to Meadow's home. She will be the last to depart tomorrow.

You have to love her spirit. I know I do!


Last Full Day As 15

It's the last FULL day as 15. They had a blast today and as I type they are playing upstairs. I posted the videos already. I just posted the one of the upstairs play just now.

They also went for a swim again. No videos or photos. It was Dennis and I that decided they needed to get cooled off as it was so hot outside.

Here is the gallery of the play and wet photos after the swim.

What a fun day but I am not ready for tomorrow. I have last minute things to do. LOL So, I have to make this short. Two depart tomorrow - see Willow and Leti's blogs for bath photos. On the 1st 3 depart. Willow's chocolate and Stormy's 2 girls. That means baths for them tommorrow.


First Swim

Here is the gallery of the Stormy crew swimming. This boy was a star - at ease, no worries. I did not expect less. All swam really really well. A few just took to it as if they always were swimming. They enjoyed the swim more than being cold and wet afterwards. We did it in the morning before it was genuinely hot. That's okay. You will see some cold and some running around after they swam. Here is the after swim gallery.

Now to finish blogging and then getting things ready for pups going home.


What Dates

I will add a photo later if anyone took one but here is the order of departures with Stormy pups.

1st of July

Brown Tip Brindle called Talemakers the " Rosetta Stone" - called Rosey

Red Tip Brindle girl called Talemaker's Tsunami now called Nami

2nd of July

1st born boy - Talemaker's Island King called Maui

Creamy Boy - Talemaker’s Skye Called Skye



Friday Before Departure

The pups start going home Wednesday and I am trying to get as much as I can done each day. Someone said is Canada Day celebrated before or after? I said, I think the day of so no long weekend? I am so confused but 3 pups will be departing on the holiday.

We have the Choco with Tan Points (Logan)  going on the 30th. Then Choco Willow gal going 1st (Bella), the Stormy Brown Tip gal (Rosey), 2nd and the Stormy red tip gal (Summer), 3rd going on the 1st day. Success as I have all the pertinent info for that 1st day. But I have 12 more to do. LOL Then bags, then baths, then pool - maybe pool Sunday?

Pups are back out with Dennis again. I feel so guilty as I only get a bit of time each play session due to needing to get everything done and grooming. No grooming Sunday so pool time for pups?

We shall see how the last few days go.


Oh in Thought

I just love, love, love this boy. He is so smart, loving and he makes you laugh. Can't get better than that!

Here is today's gallery.

They run out the door as if they think its a new game. They make me laugh.

Sorry that the blog needs to be short. It's 730 and i still have a dog to groom - can you believe and things to get ready for the puppies to go home. Oh my...