
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


I Want, I Want

We have now placed pads in the xpens so each time they wake up we place them on the pad. As you may notice this boy ate the whole thing. hehe

All 3 are playing with each other more times than not. Lil Miss Spice's boy is really trying to perfect his skills.

The pups pretty much can find the milkbar on their own though Creamy likes to taste and then decide if this is for her right now. The boys do all the work getting the milk to let down and then she goes and gets hers after they did the work. Oh my, who is smart?

Pups are doing really well. Moms are spending more time out of the xpen as they are eating every 3 hours. Soon Spice will have that benefit too.


Feeding & Playing

I did capture the 2 Roxie pups playing while the Spice pup caught some good zzzs. As he is almost a week younger he sleeps a tad more than they do and it just so happens he was when I found the time to do a video. It happens. Check out the video.

We did put the Panda and Roxie crew together but this is a tad early for that. I just figured they shold get used to each other. They hung out but not a lot of interaction. That will come in week 4. Check it out.

If you look real close the markings on the back are almost the same on these two.


Three Weeks Old

How did 3 weeks go by so fast?

Puppy kisses - he's stealing them from me already - awwwwww

That man and his magic. :-)

If ever in doubt - that Spice boy LOVES his adopted mom. For now he sleeps more than Roxies. Yes there is that much of a difference at 5 days younger but he is playing, trying to walk - just needs more zzzs like his other siblings in Spice's xpen but soon that will change when they are all over 3 weeks old.

The boy of Roxie is so animated and curious. He looks out and watches the world. He can't help himself.

Got to start weighing pups and making sure everyone is latched on. Too busy as we are getting Panda's out of the xpen and thats my job. Nathan says can you watch tv - no dear - no video (tomorrow promise) and I have panda to do. It was a VERY busy day today. Tomorrow better...


New Digs

Well Miss Creamy Latte kept climbing out of the box that we had to create a new environment for them. How did they react. They LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it.

Now how about this for striking a pose. What a riot this crew is. As they get older they get so cute in their mannerisms and the way they interact with you.

Now here's her boy striking a pose.

I will tell you this boy has captured my heart. I come into the pen and he does a waggy, waggy tail to me. Not to Nathan - just me. Now Nathan is getting into the pen where he usually waits till they are older. Can't have one just wagging its tail for me - can we. hahahaha

Now to not leave the adopted boy out, I look at him and he is so very stunning. His markings are ever so striking and for 5 days younger he holds his own. If the duo want his milk slot he says - I don't think so.

He has adapted quite well.

Well I see Roxie's boy looking through the xpen checking out where and who is around. Such a curious one and a happy, happy boy!


Almost 3 Weeks Old: VIDEO Added

Just a couple of days shy of the 3 week mark and blondie or is that creamy latte is climbing out of the whelping box. We shall see but we now have a blanket at the entrance so she jas a soft landing and if this gets to be a usual thing the whelping box will go.

Blondie is the most curious with her surroundings or shall I say with what is going on outside of her surroundings. Her boy wags his tail now when I come to stroke him. Wow, that is nice. Spice's babe adopted by Roxie wants, food, food, food but he has been almost up to par in skills in the Roxie pups that are 5 days older. Wow... Part of it is learning from the others.

Monkey see - monkey do.. now you know they are all monkeys to me and I love them!

Here is the video.


Body Language

Hey, what are you doing with my brother. That's what it appaers to be but in reality all 3 seem to be rather close. Never having done this you don't know how it will work but Roxie is so thoroughly pleased but you can tell each time you pick Spice's pup up she carefully watches you.

Ms. Roxie is such a great mom. Two and a half weeks for Roxies - Two weeks for Spices. Who would have thought. He seems to have the motor skills so far to keep up. It means he is ahead of schedule.


17 Days and New One

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThe new puppy - how did this go?

This actually seems to be working. He gained weight. At first he didn't have eyes open but does this morning. Body language was the duo together and him as an outsider. So I lined them up together a few times touching. It may be smell and they are now all 3 cuddling. Roxie is delighted. Spice doesn't seem to mind. She adores Roxie - actually all 3 gals have become very close.

I may keep it this way. Its a little strange, I know but this way each Spice pup has 2 milk slots. They were not gaining as well. They are back to gaining more. He would literally push the rest off their slot like someone eating an ear of corn. Keeping him in position was difficult. Now Roxie's duo tends to do that to him but he pushes back and gets his milk slot.

This has happened before but I have never had this option to test how this would work. I am not sure it would with some moms but this trio seems to have really really become close and they help each other, play with each other - have truly bonded in a deeper way!

Roxie suddenly is eating more as she is feeding 3 vs. 2.

Roxie was funny as she would look at the other xpens and I swear she was counting. Its funny with 3 vs. 2 she seems much happier and Spices pups that remain are gaining to a greater degree so win/win. This boy that is in with Roxie now has his eyes wide open.


16 Days Old

Wow how did time go by so fast for this crew. Roxie continues to be a picky eater and eats if you hand feed her - well the good stuff. So Nathan called her bluff and walked away and lo and behold she is eating.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewEach morning I change out the xpens, clean the dishes, change the water, vacuum with stray food from mom. I do my exercises with the pups - snuggle, hold them and clean bums if required. I am now going to add toys to Roxie's pens as their eyes have adjusted and their eyesight should be clear now.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewRight after I clean out the xpen Roxie does this. She doesn't like my job. She likes messy. I have to laugh.

I just love this duo but that is because they are older, doing more and it is exciting but soon the others will be doing the same. I do know Spice's are getting there. Panda's are way satisfied to be basking in mom's love. hahahaha

Soon I will brush all the moms. I have brushed half the adults and inbetween working on laundry.

Nathan's relatives are coming today so maybe a shower would be good and less than my usual grooming jacket. heh I seem to wear that over everything but at least my clothes don't get hair on it any longer. I almost think I need grooming pants too. :-)

Guess who is feeding a Spice pup and loving it!

Click on Photo for Larger ViewHe tends to push the rest out of their spots so we figured we would try this out. Haven't decided if we are putting him back soon or?


Just Over Two Weeks

Click on Photo for Larger View

The pups are now interacting. Eyes open they can start developing their play skills. Miss Creamy gold is standing on her legs practicing, I will have to catch it on video. Wish I had the ability to look and video tape vs grabbing the video camera.

These are exciting times as things start developing more quick than the first 2 weeks.

Gad they are so fun to hold and stroke.


Two Weeks Old

Click on Photo for Larger View

These 3 are one from each litter. I placed them together just so you can see that eventually they will play catchup. Now tomorrow I will try to to place the smallest of Panda's and smallest of Spice's witg one of Roxie's. Roxie's are edge and edhe the same weight as each other.

More photos of Roxie's duo in a bit along with a funny one of the tri boy when I woke him up to take these silly photos. His look is precious. I guess he likes to sleep.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewSo even at 2 weeks they can have expressions. No noise. Just a look to say why did you wake me up? I believe he is going to have a very expressive face.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewI love how creamy gold is. She has such gorgeous eyes. It's funny how her colour is just coming in. I wonder what colour her eyes will be. Time will tell.

Click on Photo for Larger ViewI notice that already Creamy gold is saying I am boss but he's no slouch. He allows it when he allows it and other times he says no. Watching body language is so subtle but so there at this age. You just have to watch.