
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


6 Weeks 5 Days Old

Didn't I tell you this one smiles often. She makes me smile.

Here is today's gallery. I have been grooming all day so Nathan took video and the photos so I could create the gallery.

She's a happy gal but they all are. She's just highly expressive.


Climbing and All

Size doesn't matter. We can climb just fine. 

We had a complete blast today and it is obvious we are getting more capable by the day!

I was doing the math as Dennis asked when the pups start departing. The Ella and Cinnamon pups will start departing on April 4th and the Saffron pups will start departing on the 11th. We have a glitch as the daughter decided to get married on the 13th and we have to drive to Stratford so we are not sure what we are going to do on departures for that day. I think that day is toast for anything but a wedding. I don't even have a dress and the daughter says no mom you can't wear black. LOL

That may mean we have to start on Thursday the 10th and book 3 departures on a day. <sigh> We are figuring it out. The only one we have set in stone for a departure is Marilyn as she is flying in. We don't usually sell our pups out of town. She is an exception. LOL

Be sure to check out the videos.

I lied... well not intentionally. I see in my calendar Michelle is picking up on the 10th. :-)


Can I Have a Word

Let's have a conversation says, Nathan. The pups are truly at a fun stage. Wait till you see them Saturday.

Be sure to check out the gallery on Saffron's blog.

I only have 3 families in my calendar to come on Saturday. Folks, this is it. We can't reschedule. So please let us know.


6 Weeks 2 Days Old

Oh they are ever so cute. Check out the gallery on the Cinnamon blog.

Today's blog will be short as it's been a busy day. The pups have had exposure to a couple of visitors. People interested in puppies. They have had a lot of conditioning and that is a good thing.. 

It is going to be interesting how they do with a big crowd come Saturday.

Time to make the 8 week vet visit appointment.

Videos are getting uploaded later tonight.


Play Fun and All

The dogs were upstairs playing like crazy. They surely enjoy the running and the play. It only seems like yesterday that they were doing rudimentary play. Now they are climbing ramps and the slide. I watched a saffron sable pup and a Cinnamon Sable pup play so nicely together. They are learning to not be rough.

Teeth, depending on the puppy are really coming in. Some have a full mouth of teeth and some they are still coming in. All have teeth though and yes if they didn't learn bite inhibition, their teeth would hurt. Puppy teeth are sharp and pointy but they learn to use a soft mouth. When their adult teeth come in they are rounder and not as sharp. 

Here is the 3 crew gallery.

If you pay attention, it is fascinating how at each stage significant change occur. they are starting to grow up!

Be sure to check out the videos.


I Can Do It

Up the ramp, down the ramp and all over the place we go. Our legs are getting stronger. We are trying new things all the time. 

Be sure to check out the gallery on Saffron's blog. 

You are going to love playing with us come Saturday.



Pups happened to be awake in the middle of the night. This always happens till they get older and sleep all night long. It is a process. The first night they usually sleep all night due to the change. As I watched them I noticed they were not up long. I wake up listening to any sounds. 

See a mini gallery of the 3 crew on the Saffron blog. 

This photo above reminds me that this crew are real comics.


Ella Cuties

It only seems like yesterday that the puppies were walking for the first time. Now they are running liek crazy and sometimes sideways. It's a riot. As they get better and better and their legs get stronger, they don't slip and slide.

The play has become more creative. They make you laugh. It;s as if a lightbulb went off and they are now thinking how to be the best.

Be sure to check out the videos. 


Upstairs First Time Overnight

Here is the gallery.

All 11 pups went upstairs for overnight. They appeared to be playing well together all yesterday. So, everyone felt that a transition was not necessary. I watched them almost all night. The mothers slept. I watched. What a crazy person I am. Moms all have been through this before so they know the drill. They were excited to see them in the morning.

It went really well. Tonight they will be heading upstairs again without moms. 

The pups are growing up!


5 Weeks 3 Days Old

It is interesting to note that each of the Ella pups have different personalities but all are quite something else. This boy just loves, loves when you come to play with him. His tail wags a mile a minute. I just find them mighty delightful. 

Be sure to check out the gallery of their play on the Cinnamon blog. I am trying to include all the photos but reduce how many galleries I have to build. This cre has cute round tummies.


5 Weeks 2 Days Old

I gave all of them some softened kibble sprinkled with baked chicken. It was not a hit. Yesterday this crew was found stealing mom's steak and hard kibble. hmmm

Here is the gallery.

No, I am not going tgo give them steak. hahahahaha

Be sure to watch the videos. 

Also check out on Saffron's blog to see the upstairs gallery.


5 Weeks 1 Day Old

Oh that Ella loves her puppies. They are fun pups too. The little sable is a tiny one but so full of spunk. As a matter of fact I think all 3 are.

Here is the gallery.

Will they make it upstairs in 2 nights? Time will tell.

Here is a gallery of all 5 upstairs.


5 Weeks Old

These pups have a riot of a personality. When I have them feed from their mom, I place them in a empty xpen and they get so excited they prance around wagging their little tails off.

Here is the gallery.

They are getting pretty good at using the pad. Yes, we still have accidents but oh boy that first day was non stop cleaning and putting them on the pad. Today, I find the odd mistake. Not too bad from 11.


4 Weeks 6 Days Plus Nails

This is a boy. He may silver out. Time will tell.

She is a sable and cream girl. She is a small gal.

This is a girl. She may or may not have silver or white bleeding through on her face. She also has a black spot on her back that seems to be widening.

This is the gallery of the nails and hang out photos. 

All pups are together in one pen but we kept a 2nd pen up so I can take them out and put the Ella pups in to feed off mom and I use the outside of both pens to feed the saffron pups. It is all time intensive but I will talk more about it on the Saffron blog.

Be sure to check out the videos. We have nail cutting and more going on.


4 Weeks 5 Days Old

The pups are all teething fiercely now - all 11. They have the wet eyes and the points poking through. This is normal at this age. The wetness goes when their teething stops. 

Here is the gallery.

There are a lot of changes coming up. Check out the Cinnamon blog. 

We also had Sully and Willow playing with the pups today. See the gallery.

This gal in the front flips over for me to rub her tummy. What a riot. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


Sizing It Up

It's interesting. Dennis keeps thinking the Ella pups are younger than they are. When I remind him that they are only 2 days younger than Cinnamon's he gooes wow. He forgets. Ella's pups grow to size but they grow in a slower rate and later than the Cinnamon's pups. In reality, the Saffron and Ella's will be of similar size and grow later in age. Ella and Saffron are small. Cinnamon is larger. 

Here is the gallery.

The pups are doing well and had no issue with the addition of the starter mousse. We will try it again today.


First Eat and Play

I am kicking myself. I tried to do first food and needed help. Finally Nathan came in to help with the Ella pups but I forgot to take photos but I did manage to take a couple of videos.  They also had a first hall experience that you will enjoy. Be sure to check out the link on Saffron's blog.

The pups ate well. We shall see how their bowels deal with this new food.


4 Weeks 2 Days Old

Here is the gallery.

Pups have been playing, walking and having a fun time. In a few days we will start them on mousse. I have to admit I am waiting till after the Raven pups have departed so I can focus on all these milestones they are about to experience. Right now I am doing firsts with the Raven pups and having one on one time with each of the crews without the camera. It allows me time to observe them.


4 Weeks 1 Day Old

The 3 litters were playing upstairs again. Here is the gallery of the play upstairs.

They are doing rather well and within a week we want to get all 3 litters playing during the day together. We won't attempt this till after the Raven pups have departed. 

Here is just the Ella pup gallery.


Ella Pups 4 Weeks Old

Here is the gallery.

They play so nice. They kiss each other and still that boy loves me the best. Waggy tail and fast walk to see me always. It makes me feel good.

We have a short blog today as we had 3 pups go home and a full grooming schedule for me as well. 

I will try to get videos up, If not, I will play catch up tomorrow.