
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries by Darlah (495)


Cinnamon Pups Outdoors

The pups are enjoying outdoors. Today Dennis took a hose and cooled them down. They seem to handle it well.

Here is the gallery.

It's hard to tell that the pups haven't always been merged together. It's quite nice.

They are pups that truly make me smile!


Last Night and Today

This Cinnamon boy was getting all sorts of extra attention from Roxie. It was nice to watch. You will have to check out the videos as we have some from outdoors and upstairs and even in the middle of the night.

How did they do last night? I check on them via the ipad many, many times. I leave the ipad plugged in and I can hear and watch them. 

The pups did really well without mom. They are actually eating a fair bit now vs. eating from the moms. They are not drinking as much as I like but that always comes. They are still getting a fair bit of fluid from mom. 

They went upstairs, played with the moms and then the moms came to bed and Cinnamon harrassed me all night. I guess I should have had headphones on as each time she heard a puppy she went crazy. Ella would just look at me. I would say its okay - go to sleep and she was fine. Both moms were over the moon happy to see the pups come morning and you will see in a video what occurs when they first saw the pups and the pups first saw them this morning. 

I have to say, I was pleased. Well got to get the videos up then take them outside. 


Lots of Changes

To see some changes that occurred today, check out Ella's blog. 

Poor moms are getting mangled coat wise by the pups. I hope a bath on Friday will work some magic as brushing and combing doesn't. I guess its the price to pay with pups. Hair grows back. LOL

Here is the gallery.

This girl was attempting to climb up on the bottom of this table and was almost succeeding. They are changing daily at this rate.

I have to take them out again and I have Marcie to wash and spruce up. 

Tonight the puppies are going upstairs across from our room with a camera so we can watch them and oh boy I so watch them like a mother hen. It's a crazy process but one that starts them down the road of independence. The moms will come to bed and the pups will have food, toys, water and will see us physically in the morning.

Tonight Dennis will put new vinyl down so he can expand the xpen as they are getting bigger and needs more room. They are getting older. Oh my.....


Morning Play

I was grooming so I was unable to be a part of the morning play. Nathan and Dennis did it. Dennis took photos and Nathan played with them. 

The pups are getting out twice a day. The adults really want to play with them but they are simply not old enough. they get adult play from the moms till they are closer to the 8 week mark. Then we will have the olders start playing with them.

Be sure to check out the videos.


Play, Play

The pups are simply fun! They are funny too as I find myself counting to 10 often to make sure all are there. It becomes a habit.

I am thinking about reducing the videos to just a few a day as they aren't truly getting watched. What do you think?

Be sure to check out the gallery on Ella's blog and then check out the videos.

We will be heading outside again tomorrow! Let's hope the heat stays away.


It's a Slow Day

Sorry the blogs are short today. It has just been a crazy busy day today. The pups did play inside, outside the pen. Tomorrow outdoors - yeah with cooler weather. Everyone is cuddly with each other. How grand is that? They are getting out for play sessions twice starting today!

Be sure to check out the videos. 


Indoor Play Today

Puppies had their nails done today and they had a play session outside of the xpen. They did really well. 

Here is the gallery of the out of the pen experience and nails. See Ella's blog for an explanation of why I am doing it this way. 

The puppies, since last night are altogether in the same pen together. They are eating food. Not drinking enough water yet. but they are making progress. This is normal. cinnamon's tri gal loves the water and can be seen playing in it at times. LOL

Tomorrow is going to be mighty hot too so we may have to try a different room indoors for them. I want them to get out of their xpen once a day. That is appropriate for this age. Slowly we increase it to 2, then 3 etc. 

On Friday, we are back to 23c and then Saturday up to 29c without humidity. I hope for the 6 week visit we are not hot like this. We shall see.

Puppies are amazing. Usually someone tries to bowl over a smaller puppy but the 10 are not doing that. They are playing nicely and snuggling up to sleep together. It is truly endearing to look at them snuggled.

Be sure to check out the videos.


4 Weeks 1 Days Old

This Cinnamon boy loves to play on his back and rolls all over the place. Oh my is he a fun one. 

The pups were outdoors today together. They are doing really well at this age.  We will start taking them out and showing them off to humans so they can see different people. It is part of the conditioning. 

Here is the gallery.

All 10 pups did well with the food. Some are readily eating it on their own - that is if the moms don't eat it first. That is not a concern yet. When they are weaned, if moms continue, we will lock their xpen and monitor when they are in with the pups. We are feeding moms many, many times a day. They are not starving.

The pups are ruining Cinnamon and Ella's coat. sigh... Well it will grow back after. It's the price of pups. I shouldn't complain as they have gorgeous pups. 

Be sure to check out the videos. I need to start cleanup, cleaning pens, getting new food out and all that crazy stuff I do before bed. 


4 Weeks Old

I can't believe how the dogs are changing - well I do but it always amazes me. 

Here is a small gallery. You will have to look at the Ella blog to see all 10 pups together with 2 moms. 

The pups turned 4 weeks today. In a video, Nathan held up 2 puppies to see the size differences. 

We also placed food in each of the pens but Cinnamon keeps stealing her puppies food. LOL

We are also trying to get them steady on tile and linoleum. They are starting to get steadier each time.

Can't wait till it cools down so we can get them outdoors.

Be sure to check out the videos.


First Food

Pups are 1 day short of 4 weeks old. They had their 1st food and did really well. 

See the gallery.

Some did better than others but all - both litters did really well. 

The first born tri even had water - no issue.

We will probably try this again tomorrow. 

They also did a great job at feeling very comfortable exploring.

Be sure to check out the videos. 


3 Weeks 5 Days Old

If you look at a couple of the videos, you will notice today a couple are walking with their tails up and over. It is so interesting how they develop. 

See the Gallery

Pups are becoming quite animated these days. It is wonderful to watch. A few actually make it to the pad. Bravo little ones. It has only just begun!

I can't wait till we can get them outside on a regular basis but it won't be in this heatwave. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


3 Weeks 4 Days Old

We get so excited when humans come in to play with us. We eat, play and sleep then we do it again!

Here is the gallery.

Our pigment is almost completely in now and in case you didn't notice, our ears lay down now. they didn't not too long ago. This is normal. They get bigger and they end up flapping over. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


Outdoors First Visit

We just got Cinnamon pups out and I have to say she was pleased - Cinnamon - that is. If she had a watch she would have been hitting it saying - hello - my turn.

No one was nervous. A couple of Cinnamon's actually walked on the deck. 

You will see in the gallery how delighted Cinnamon was.

Here is the gallery.

I doubt we will do this tomorrow as it is supposed to be way too hot but we will try this again in a few days. Remember they just turned 3 weeks. 

This crew is pretty good on their legs and are often seen playing. I have to put a crate in their xpen as Ella's crew loves the crate. 

Be sure to check out the videos.


As They Get Mobile

We have some pups that - well like to have fun. They are indeed getting more mobile and playful.

Here is the gallery.

Cinnamon had her bath today as the pups are now able to do without her for the length of time it takes to bath and dry, trim feet, pads etc. I will be doing Ella in the next day or so. 

The pups are already getting better walking. They are playing when awake but still sleeping a fair bit of time.

Be sure to check out the videos.


3 Weeks 1 Day Old

Here is a photo of one of the girls. Here you can see the colour bleeding through. She also has white tipped feet. She is also a curious one and can be found wagging her tail when you come into the xpen. She really, really likes the snuggles. 

Here is the gallery.

The pups are playing and walking wobbly. Dennis has had success with the gal above and 1 other on the pad but no one else yet. They are rather young. 

Each day the changes occur. This is the start of great things to come.

Be sure to check out the videos.


3 Weeks Old

The pups are 3 weeks old now. They use the pad if you catch them waiting up and you put them on it. It is the start.

Here is the gallery.

How do they learn the pad? It is conditioning. They wake up, you place them on the pad. They eat, you put them on the pad. They eventually learn that you use the pad at these times. As these are summer pups, they will be using outdoors too as they get older. 

Be sure to watch the videos.


20 Days Old

This crew is such a cuddly bunch but the Ella crew is starting to cuddle too. Remember this crew is a full day older. I already have the black tri and one of the boys wagging tails at me. Yes, they recognize me and get excited to see me. Be still my heart! The black tri has colour bleeding through all over (going to be a beauty) and she is such an animated thing for not even 3 weeks old. 

Check out the gallery.

I am excited to get them starting to use the pad. In about day 25 or 26 we will start getting them eating food and drinking water. This way on day 28 to day 30 they will go upstairs all together without the moms. That is not too far away. That tells you they start changing rapidly starting now. How exciting!

Be sure to check out the videos.


19 Days Old

Look at this brother and sister snuggling. This crew is often caught snuggling with each other in wonderful poses. This boy tends to snuggle with everyone. He's the one facing you when you look at him. The girl, who looks black but is truly a tri and has apricot bleeding through all over loves to snuggle with me too. 

Here is the gallery.

The pups are coming up on 3 weeks come Monday. Wow. By 4 weeks they will be outside and 6 weeks they will see their families to be. 

Be sure to watch the videos.


18 Days Old

Today the one who appears to be black but is really a tri-coloured climbed out of the whelping box. So, by myself, I got the xpens ready and took out the whelping boxes. At first I just intended on doing Cinnamons but Ella was rather miffed and kept going to Cinnamons, looking at me and then going to her own. She was agitated till I did the same to hers. LOL

Here is the gallery. 

How did the puppies do? They needed the room and with one climbing out, it was time. Usually we do this at 3 weeks or when we have an escape artist. 

It has many benefits and some drawbacks. The puppies have more room to get walking. They get exposed to outside their pen. You can add toys and not have them so crowded. You can also add a crate, pillows and a variety of things to expose them to. The negative is they have far to go to feed if they happen to be across the pen but this also helps them get mobile. They will be fine. 

Be sure to check out the videos.

A brand new world is revealed to them and they are going to love it!


17 Days Old

In just 4 days the pups wil be 3 weeks and they have already started to play. They are slightly ahead of the curve in their standing, trying to walk and playing.

Here is the gallery.

The pups are getting used to me holding them and they are starting to try to climb out of the scale. Such fun.

Be sure to check out the videos.