Discuss It > Worming & Vaccination worries
Norm: I would NEVER deworm just as a preventative other than what we do as puppies. You do a fecal and if it comes back needing then you treat.
Now if you didn't get your boosters you may need to start again but before you do insist on titers. It will tell you if you have sufficient antibodies. If it comes back that you do then you proceed accordingly.
Over vaccination can cause a whole host of issues. I also would never deworm and vaccinate at once. You are bombarding the body and if the body is stressed or not up to par (compromised) you have just set it up for a reaction. This is an interesting article on titers. http://www.whole-dog-journal.com/issues/13_8/features/Annual-Pet-Vaccinations_20036-1.html

Thank you for the information, the article is very interesting. I have also looked at the WSAVA global veterinary development article by Shulz and Horzinek which is very interesting and fairly easily read considering it a professional paper.

You need to read Jean Dodds. She is also quite accessible to answer questions. See http://www.weim.net/emberweims/Vaccine.html - Nathan also has her vaccination protocol in the magazine. You can google all about her, I have gone to a few of her seminars and she is very easy to understand. Over vaccinations can cause a host of issues. When I went to a seminar put on by Merial for vest and vet techs they pushed vaccinating despite the reactions. One vet - and I forget who he was stood up to say law or no law re: rabies but if a dog was having a serious reaction as some of these slides showed he would not vaccinated. Merial responded but you must - its the law. He said sorry I care more about the dog than the law. I wish I had caught his name but I applaud him. His heart is in it for the dogs not to make the $$.

Would you worm and vaccinate in the same week?
My dog is due for vaccination booster but the new vet doctor said because we are a bit overdue we have to start again like the dogs a puppy!
My dog is due for worming too and am worried about doing both in the same week.