Discuss It > Dog Food - protein
Kim: Purina and Iams is junk food. So is Hills. But your pet food store person is right. The issue is they push certain foods due to what they make off of it. Vets also get a very small window of learning about nutrition which boggles my mind. To say Fromms is too high protein for a dog that isn't having issues also should make you think. Origen has higher protein and I do find my dogs get fat off of it as you are supposed to feed less but I find my dogs like quantity too so feeding less than 1/4 cup doesn't float their boat, so to speak. Over the years I have tried other foods but I always seem to come back to Fromms. These days I just switch between the flavours without any stomach issues.

Thanks Darlah. I did do research on the computer before I went into the pet store, this made it easier to believe him over the vet. I bet a lot of people just do as they are told and get Hills, etc.

Yes, they do as they believe the vets. We have even had vets say who are you going to believe - me or the breeder. I wonder what they would say if you asked how much of a cut they get from selling Hills.
Now there are situations that Hills short term is required like for crystals but long-term...nope.

Hi Darlah
Which flavor of Fromm's are you feeding and do you use a different one for the pups versus the adults ? In preparation for 'Jr' I'm thinking of switching my girls .
We use Origen fish
at the moment without issue but it's somewhat easier if they can all be on the same ( or migrate to if the pups need to).
I was thrilled to find my regular store carried Fromm as in checking their website not many stores here do. Thanks for your advice!

I took Max in for his rabies shots, and the Vet suggested that I change his food. Although we are having absolutely no problems with the Fromms, the Vet feels that it is too high in Protein. Her suggestions were Purina and Iams, and of course, the food on their shelves, Hill's Science Diet. Fortunately, I have a wonderful pet food store near me, Dukes, and the guy said that they were just pushing their food, and giving me other bad food choices for comparison purposes. He said that they have to carry Hill's Science Diet only because of patrons requesting it at their vets suggestion.