Discuss It > Tartar on Back Teet;h
Jane: I just saw this. They do work but you do waste a lot as you change the water out or at least I do. I find the Leba and Pets4life stuff probably works better.

Do you by chance know whether the Leba may taste better than the pets4life?

I never tasted both but that's interesting and may check that out.

Petzlife is not nearly as interesting to our dogs as the flavored toothpaste. In fact, they run away when I open it up. With the toothpaste, they smack their lips and come a running. The problem with the toothpaste is that I'm not convinced it's worthwhile.
Sadly I haven't noticed that the tartar has gotten any better with the PetzLife. I'm going to try Biotene Maintenance Oral Gel next, which we got from the vet.
Once we run out, we'll probably splurge (Petzlife already feels like a splurge) and try the Leba stuff. That stuff costs almost as much as gold!

Try Denta Stix, they are made by Pedagree and come in chicken or beef flavour. They sure work for Katy. I do brush occasionally but mostly I give her a stix as a treat once a day. She is five years old and the vet cannot believe that I have not had to get any cleaning done on her teeth.

Just got back from the vet - my 18 mth old Havanese has a small bit of tartar on her back teeth. Has anyone had any luck with the drops you put in the water?