Discuss It > (GASP) Fleas?
Luckily I haven't had any issues with fleas but I di know Val, the groomer deals with it with clients all the time. Why not send her some mail and tell her I sent you. Her email address is aslantts@rogers.com

would like to hear from anybody having flea control on their Havanese - our vet is
suggesting Revolution..... I think this is kind of poison putting onto the dog, and then we kiss and hug her.... but is flea control really necessary?

My Vet has put my little "Pip" on Sentinel for the fleas and heartworm. The first pill went down uneventful but a few hours after the second pill all was not well! I am still not sure exactly, but he went down in a middle of a walk and looked like I was losing him, eyes open put limp and unresponsive. He was panting heavily and slowly came around after an hour or so. Of course it was a sunday night and emerg was 45 minutes away. I am terrified to give it again, but vet thinks he had been stung by something. He had no spot that I found and did not cry. Oh, what to do???

Are fleas an issue for you? It sounds like Pip had a reaction to either a sting as your vet is suggesting or the Sentinal. Hugs - what a thing to go through.

Our little guy is on Sentinel as well and we haven't had any issues with him being ill, he is 1 1/2. I too was worried about giving him this "poison" but we were in Florida last summer and Reese picked up fleas. It was a horrible experience. So, we are off again and want to air on the side of caution. We haven't had any problems with fleas since Florida so we are hoping this year he will be OK.
Hope "Pip" is feeling better.
Has anyone had to try flea collars?

I know it's been a while, but after a couple of months from my horrifying ordeal I had the courage to try the Sentinel again. I made sure it was within office hours of the vet, and ours is down the street. This time "Pip" was fine. So going to reason it was not the Sentinel that was the problem. I still get quite nervous near bees too. When I try to remember exactly if he had scooped up something on the walk that day I have a very faint memory of some small white thing; not even big enough to really chew on. I wonder if perhaps it was a cigarette butt? I never see him pay any attention to them usually, but maybe it had a better-than-usual flavour. It could explain the "high" he was in, and the rapid heart rate. I've even thought of perhaps some discarded medication patch. Crazy he?! Does anyone have any experience with that?

I love your new site and set-up. Cannot wait to see your new puppies.
My question is; do you have issues with fleas? How do you deal with flea control?
Thank you!