Sully Update
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 3:12PM

Hi Nathan and Darlah, 

I just wanted to write and let you know that Sully is doing really well! He seems to be a tiny genius and learned “sit,” “down” and “come” by the second day with us. He also seems to want to learn how to shake a paw, but one thing at a time. He has been really good about going outside, and yesterday he asked to go out! We are really so proud of him.

He is getting along well with Simon, although we do have to separate them completely for meals (Simon’s issue, not Sully’s) but they love playing together and racing around the house. Sully is also learning to fetch although he gets distracted easily at this point. He is such a charmer and loves meeting everyone, we couldn’t be more thrilled with him. I have attached a few photos below. Enjoy!

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