Stormy Fun
Sunday, February 3, 2019 at 5:43PM

This toy is a fun time for the pups but Ms. Stormy likes it too. She can drag it from one room to another where the pups can only drag it across the floor. 

Here is the gallery.

The pups have a blast running and playing. Each day for 3 or 4 times they are out playing their hearts out. It's wonderful.

Come Tuesday they will have baths. This time I will not be doing individual photos. Just can't. I will instead wash 2 or 3 at once and dry them in the crate with a dryer over them. I will take photos of the process. By the time the 10 are done, I will start finishing drying the 1st one washed and keep on going. 

Then on Wednesday they head to the vet. On Saturday they have their 8 week visit. Two weeks later they will be starting to head home. How did that happen? 

Be sure to check out the videos.

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