Baths Today Visit Tomorrow
Friday, January 25, 2019 at 6:21PM

Brown and white chocolate

Before I go further, realize pigment will come in. I think it is ever so cute when it is coming in. Chocolates have brown spots on their pads and blue or green eyes. Non chocolates have eyes that are black or deep brown.

This has also been the very best laid back crew I ever bathed. They were highly curious and not a shake or concern and hey this is FUN! Dryer - not an issue in the least.

Brown sable - I will tell you that the wet photos are ever so funny and that is why I am putting them up. You will see in the gallery found here the dry photos as well. 

White and cream. He is the littlest and he was the absolute most laid back of all. He was amazing and that's an understatement.

Creamy chocolate. See the eyes? He has a brown nose and brown on his pads.

Cream - not a chocolate. Can you see the colour of the eyes?

I was not going to do individual photos as I really have no time. It takes me 20 minutes to do each dog times 10. Oh boy but I hope you enjoy this effort. 

Tomorrow you get to see them. They are teething. They chew on everything but this will pass. 

Moms are feeding them in the morning and at night and every now and then they let them sneak a drink. What they will do when you are here, I am not sure but they are indeed starting the weaning process. 

See you tomorrow unless Ella decides to have pups. Right now, you are safe to come. :-)

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