4 Weeks 5 Days Old
Sunday, January 13, 2019 at 6:23PM

The pups are eating less and less from mom. Interesting enough she doesn't have as much milk as she did a week ago. Sometimes the introduction of food triggers a cut back. 

Soon they will head upstairs at night. 

Here is the gallery.

They are thinning out but not losing. They get round, they grow and get slim then get round and then go slim. it's a normal process.

Pups walk all around this room when Dennis cleans up the xpen. He does this before I wake up and come downstairs. I do it before I go to bed. This way the xpens stay very clean. We like the pups to experience how it feels to be clean and live in a clean environment. It means more cleaning and disinfecting (we use Benefect) and they learn to appreciate clean. It also means more laundry but well worth it. 

All 10 pups were out together in the hall today. Check out the videos.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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