One Full Day Old Now: Plus Weight Gains
Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 10:34AM

Here is a gallery taken this morning.

Pups have all gained nicely. They are finding mom. They fuss a little here and there from fat bellies or trying to find the warmth. 

Stormy is doing well. She ate too much yesterday so she had an upset tummy - quite normal as she ate the first placenta too fast for me to get it. Some let them eat all of them as it contains nutrients. We tend to not allow any as it can and does upset their tummies. This has resolved itself and it didn't stop her from eating. She was gassy and boy we could tell. LOL Today not. She has already got picky. Just kibble and chicken - no - give me that starter mousse, steak, chicken and bacon. 

Here are the new videos. You can always find them here. In some you can here them eating. Yes they are slightly noisy eaters. 

Order of birth gains since birth: 5/8oz; 6/8oz; 1-1/8oz; 6/8oz; 1oz

Usually pups lose the first 24 hours but it seems Stormy has plenty of milk.

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