2 Full Days Old
Friday, March 3, 2023 at 9:54AM

Here is the gallery.

It is hard to believe that they are only older by a day and a half from Nami's 4. They are gaining. Willow is doing well though she has so much milk, her back milkstations are getting hard so we are being proactive before the pups can't feed on them. We are putting pups on the back end and started her on a few days of antibiotics to get her past this hump. This happens and the antibiotics - not even a full 7 day regiment just a few days clears it up. These antibiotics do not affect or pass through the milk just aleviates it so it clears up. She is fine and we are early so it should just take 1 more day.

All pups are gaining nicely. Due to Nami, I was unable to weigh Willow or Hallie's pups last night so this morning I got a 24 hour reading and all gained VERY well.

Willow is happy. She is eating and we need to get more calcium in her. I may just give her a squeeze of Calsorb as she is digging. This means she is producing an abundance of milk and is at the very beginning of depleting sources so we again are proactive. Nothing to be concerned about. I believe in transparency. She is happy and pups and her are doing well despite this.

She so loves her pups.

Videos are up and I will add more later.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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