First is a girl and appears to be a black, brown and cream. She was born at 11:02am. She weighs 6-3/4oz 181g
Second one was born at 11:42am and its a boy. He is a brown and cream sable. He weighs 5-7/8oz 166g
Third is a boy. He was born at 12:14PM. He is a brown sable with a white chin. He is the smallest so far weighing in a 5-1/4oz 150g. So far all are larger than expected.
4th born is a gal. She was born at 118pm. She is a brown sable and cream. She weighs 6-1/4 180g
5th one born is a girl who is a brown sable with tan cheeks. Born at 232pm. She weighs 7oz 201g
11:02am to 232pm - 5 beauties. I am uploading the videos from start of birth till after birth. They will be found here. It will take time to get all of them up. Wish I had the time to do thsi with Stormy to this degree.