1st is a gal white with black. She was born at 954am. She has 2 black patches over her eyes but otherwise white. She will be stunning. She's a large one with just 2. She weighs 8-3/8oz 239g. Large to start is expected when only 2. Now we await the 2nd.
Second is a boy born at 1044am. He is mostly black, 4 white paws and a white streak. Those 4 white paws are from Risa. He weighs 7-5/8oz 216g
It's as if they are opposite - gender, colour etc.
Dennis slept through all of this. Pups are eating, lively but the 1st one crawled through blood so looks a bit messy. I will continue to use wipes till it disappears. It is too young to wash even with waterless shampoo.
Videos will be found here as always.
Blanket - new was thank you to Sherry.