24 Days: New Area
Monday, October 26, 2020 at 7:38PM

This one is now out of her whelping box. Ms. Spirit was not sure what that meant but she has adjustment. The pups didn't seem to care at all. She explored all over the place. We thought of putting the 2 others outside their whelping box so they could see each other but maybe in a few days when I am not so crazy busy.

Here is the gallery.

She is doing well. She did better with a crowd of 4 vs 7 but our method of madness is we will keep exposing them to each other till we merge the 3 into one pen. Then your confusion will begin or perhaps not as all 3 litters are different. We shall see.

I call this first outside the whelping box and visits to the others, a success. We will keep at it. It is important for their development to have many personalities that they are exposed to.

Watch the videos.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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