April Update
Friday, April 19, 2019 at 4:56PM

Hi Darlah and Nathan,

I thought you’d like to know how my first week went, here, with my new hooman family. I think I’m settling in pretty well. They like to throw new stuff at me every day but I’m pretty good at catching up quickly. Every morning I take the little hooman, Fiona, to school. It’s a pretty noisy place squirming with little people and there’s always a pack of them running my way. I patiently travel from arms to arms, sometimes I give kisses, but most of the time I’m just politely waiting to get out of there. Then my mom and I head back home for a fun play session. Two days ago I discovered the backyard. I wasn’t too sure at first with the all the smells and sounds and the two Westies next door but once I realized they were totally smitten with me I decided to bask in the attention. I love running, jumping and hopping. I even did a 180 mid-air turn! I guess you had to be there. Who knew leaves can be so much fun! I discovered I can pee in the grass and get a treat of it. Imagine that! Speaking of treats, I love those but the hoomans make me work for it. I learned Yes, Ah –Ah, Up, Turn Around, Watch Me and I’m working on my Sit. I have even tackled the stairs to the patio and can go up and down but not the big shiny staircase in the house. That one is way too big and scary and I’m not a girl that likes to take risks.

My mom loves how good I am with the pee pads – first two days I was a little confused with the area rugs as they were new to me but now I got it down and easily find my pad upstairs and downstairs. I’m still not much of an eater…that kibble stuff is really boring so I trained my hoomans to sprinkle a little somethin’ somethin’ on it. Vet says I’m a perfect girl but I need to eat more.

In the evening this big dude the little hooman calls dad comes to hang out. It was love at first sight – I think he reminds me of another dude in my previous family. I am completely fascinated with his whistling and I fall asleep in his armpit, every time. So soothing.

I sleep through the night in my playpen, but since I discovered how much fun being with my new hoomans is, I don’t like to spend time in there during the day anymore. So I am getting pretty vocal about it. Mom is not impressed. She’s also not impressed with the 7 am wake up calls I give everyone. I say ’wake up, wake up hoomans, it’s time to play!’ Yes, play is my specialty and I’m always up for it, no matter the time of the day, or how tired I am. My favorite is tug and I’m also learning to fetch. Mom says no toy to play so I happily bring it back. After play, snuggles is my next favorite. Mom sometimes calls me kitty cat – I guess she thinks I am quiet and gentle and cuddly like a kitty.

I take lots of car rides…at least twice a day. I’ve been out shopping, to the gas station, a restaurant, the school, the vet. It’s all new to me but I’m getting used to it. Mom says tonight we start school…not sure what’s all that about…but I guess I’ll meet other doggies and maybe get some treats.

All in all things are pretty good around here. Yesterday, the little hooman was having a rough day with school and friends and homework but then she picked me up and said ‘April, you make everything so much better. What did I do to deserve you?’ That was nice to hear, I love her snuggles the most.

Until next time!

P.S. Please say hi to Jon for me.



Here is a video.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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