Nathan was screaming in agony when he went to pick up Ozzy and started screaming as he was in agony. Yers, I said screaming now 3 times. His fingers are moving so it is not broken. His doctor never called so I gather it is not broken. He doesn't call his doctor as he is Nathan. So Dennis is pulling the weight as it is my day off. I feel awful.
This is Ms Tenshi sunbathing out back. The rest of the dogs had their sun time too a number of times a day.
I had to go to the pharmacy to get pain pills for Nathan and maybe this will help. He does not do pain well.
Due to the weather we have toys and climbers and all sorts of things strewn out in the hallway. The dogs love it. I feel like we have a mess but they love it!
I am still enjoying exercise. I like the clothes fitting better - the tummy that is 98% flat. The arms need work. I have muscles but I need toning. The dogs think I am nuts. I did try the elliptical. Dennis really wanted but it is a strange device. It tireds my legs terribly. Perhaps that means I need it? I want a rower more but I have to save for it.
I have not seen the rabbit since Harlow is not here. She's one of the few that finds them and gets them running. I miss that! Glad she is having Daddy time.