Twigs Really?
Friday, January 17, 2025 at 7:15PM

Here is the gallery.

The dogs are having a total blast. It's wet. They are bringing twigs in even with that white stuff on the ground. Dennis said I guess I should have raked better. LOL

Nathan is still getting on the treadmill. I say bravo. He doesn't have much stamina but he doubled his time. I think that is a thing to celebrate! I am thankful for Angela for the treadmill.

Laundry is still working. We are still washing and drying. With dogs coming in sopping wet, we do need to dry.

The dogs had fun playing ball with me today. I did so much grooming though I think my hand is falling off. I wonder if a massager for hands works. Just dreaming. 

Last night, the dogs crushed me up against the side of the bed and pushed me out. That is a first. Got to love dogs and I do!

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