Bad Weather Coming?
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 5:54PM

Here is the gallery.

Here is Ellie gal as happy as a clam. Coco was here too and they had a blast.

We had a couple of new dogs that arrived and a couple more tonight. 

It started out cloudy then hot now we are waiting for a big storm. Dennis is betting on it so he doesn't have to water. LOL

I transplanted my tomatoes that we started over the winter and they already have tomatoes on them. They were looking mighty frowny - is that a word but perked up today. 

We have not seen any rabbits and Harlow was downright sad always looking but she is back home where they do have rabbits, I bet she is a happy gal!

We have Blue Jays, cardinals, bluebirds and a TON of bumble bees. The bumble bees confuse me. We always have some but this year is a huge uptick of them in my garden. They leave us alone and just flit here and there.

I still have 2 plants of aloe here free for the taking. I had 10 and 8 are now gone. One is a monster plants and one is a medium plants. If you want, let me know.

Dogs are enjoying this inbetween weather and we are awaiting 2 dogs to arrive. Then Nathan is getting me something so I can sit and watch FROM with Dennis. I just finished cleaning all the couch blankets so they can lay on me. Perfect combination.

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