Warm Day
Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 7:33PM

This is a mini golden doodle. I don't think I see any golden in her. She is visiting for a couple of days. 

Here is the gallery. I did manage to click.

The dogs did not react to her. She was a little nervous at first but getting much better. She is now playing. I swear she wants to jump in the pool. Oh and Cassie did but no one else. I said no to her and it is as if she said - who said! I wanted to swim but it is Dennis day off and I had a record breaking amount of dogs to wash and groom so tomorrow - tomorrow. I will start grooming at 730am tomorrow and hopefully be finished by noon so I can get a swim in. I earned it - oh boy I have earned it.

While Nathan napped, I had all the dogs with me in the hall while I groomed. 

I think I am too tired to type - if you c an believe.

Rue is playing like crazy - bravo Rue. A number of dogs went home. More depart tomorrow and yet more on Tuesday. Wednesday is my day off and I may drop dead - okay not literally.

Anyone see any hanging baskets that look nice locally? Let me know where. I never have time to look but if I know where I can make the time to get 2. I am on the hunt - but if you are too and see - drop me a line!

Sorry - I am tired but everyone had a blast!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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