Sun in the Afternoon
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 5:01PM

Here is the gallery.

I brushed Pingo this morning and look at him now. I have to laugh. Can you see? Guess another combout is necessary. There are just some dogs that truly know how to have fun. Shlomo looks like he is ignoring him but Shlomo is trying to catch some resting time but Pingo says - come on.

Dogs are having fun this long weekend. I am about to go to Canadian Tire to get Nathan another gravity chair. Not sure if they make them cheaper or what but his only lasts 1 year. Oh well, it is my birthday present to him. He is also on a new med that is making him feel sick so he is spending a lot of time trying to play recovery. They say it is normal for the 1st month. We shall see. 

It is warm and sunny this early evening. Not great this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be outstanding so I best get some swimming in. Will the dogs get some in? It depends on how many combouts I want to do.

Butterflies are already in the garden so I guess warm weather is coming. We shall see. 

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